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  • Committee Co-Chair – Pam Smith

  • Committee Co-Chair – Aaron Rybski

  • Board Member Liaison - Elizabeth Bilotta


The Environmental Health Committee consists of local health department Environmental Health Services directors and staff. This committee is involved in environmental planning to help assure quality standards for clean and safe water and food; private sewage disposal systems; air pollution emission reduction; and minimizing environmental conditions which favor disease-carrying vectors, such as mosquitoes and rats, within Northern Illinois. To achieve its purpose, the committee addresses regional concerns and helps enhance capacities of local health departments to improve environmental needs such as water well drilling permits, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, and West Nile Virus prevention and funding.

  • Participation in statewide subcommittee that developed recommendations for improving food service sanitation manager certification training 

  • Involvement in establishing or updating legislation such as pool inspection permits and temporary food operations including cottage food operations 

  • Representation on state workgroups, e.g. Illinois Farmers’ Market Task Force and Illinois Health Protection Advisory Committees in the areas of Environmental Health and Food, Drug, and Dairies 

  • Established a Food Program subcommittee to work specifically on food program consistency

Previous Committee: Emergency Preparedness

Next Committee: Food Protection

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